Blood Type Comic

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Why Beer???

This is why...

Bayangin pas puanas-puanas jalan kaki di tepi jalan dengan keringat bercucuran, kendaraan lalu lalang, tubuh dihempas ABCD (Angin BerCampur Debu)……trus mampir di salah satu convinience store grab a can of beer…..clocth!!blurshh!! * buka kaleng gluguk gluguk gluguk……SURGA DUNIA.

oh iya btw i will share also my preferred brand of beer, for me this beer is fucking great, not just because the taste, but its also have the coolest packaging ever for a bottle of beertje…without further a dieux  present you Grolsch.

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